Sandford Award criteria

Our objective is to deliver an assessment of the learning services and facilities provided and recommendations that are clear, concise and constructive. We aim to be fair and without prejudice, basing our professional assessment on the criteria laid down by the Heritage Education Trust. Before completing the application form, please refer to our Eligibility Criteria

Your site and your services will be measured against six criteria:

  1. The learning programmes are delivered in a way that engages, informs and inspires visitors

  2. The learning provision at the site contributes to an understanding of the local and national heritage or natural environment

  3. The programme has been developed through consultation with customers and learning providers and advisers

  4. There is attention to good management and administration during all aspects of the visit

  5. Learning resources and services are provided which enhance the quality of the learners' visit

  6. Statutory requirements are met and essential additional policies and strategies are in place

There are few ways nationally to demonstrate the high quality of our offers and having a valued range of criteria supports us in many ways when working with schools, looking for funding and demonstrating the value of our work.
— Sandford Award holder

Banner image: The Old Royal Naval College Greenwich, Sandford Award holder