Our story

Lord Sandford

Lord Sandford

The Sandford Award was conceived in 1975 as a result of the European Year of Architecture. Founder members were Lord Montagu, of English Heritage, Lord Sandford, representing the Department of the Environment and Commander Michael Saunders Watson, of the Historic Houses Association. Their purpose was to raise the profile of the educational use of historic properties.

As its name suggests, it was Lord Sandford who instituted the awards scheme to encourage those responsible for running historic houses to appreciate their important educational role, to provide support and monitor standards. Although the awards were originally administered by the Council for Environmental Education, the Heritage Education Trust was set up in 1981 to run and develop them. The first awards were made in 1978. The Trust is the only body in existence to provide independent quality assurance for curriculum- aligned and site led heritage learning programmes which is recognised through the Sandford Awards.

Banner image: Ufton Court Educational Trust, Sandford Award holder