A visit to Knole gives an opportunity for everyone to appreciate the splendour of what is one of England’s most important historic houses and deer parks, and what was once a royal palace, a property of the Tudor dynasty. The highlights are the showrooms and their collections which, being places of extraordinary wealth and grandeur, give young people a sense of awe and provide them with a ‘wow’ factor which they will long remember. A visit to the house and parkland offers an opportunity to support learning across the curriculum though it is especially relevant for studying history. Pupils of all abilities have the chance to become immersed in a chosen time period and these experiences enrich their learning and enable them to better understand what the past was like and how it has impacted upon the present. The work to support pupils with special educational needs is rapidly becoming a strength of the provision for learning at Knole.

Website: Learn at Knole


La Hougue Bie Museum


Knebworth House