Banner image courtesy of English Heritage Education

Object of the Heritage Education Trust

To enable the public in general and young people in particular to learn about history, art, architecture and other subjects through engagement with historic buildings and sites, museums, landscapes, parks and gardens, cultures and traditions. In particular, the Trust seeks to achieve this through assessment for the Sandford Award and the dissemination of good practice in heritage education.


 Sandford Award

The Sandford Award is the quality mark for heritage learning and validation for heritage organisations across the British Isles that offer a formal learning programme which supports the relevant curriculum. Recognition is also given to informal learning such as family programmes and self-guided provision.

The award scheme is managed by the Heritage Education Trust in partnership with Bishop Grosseteste University and supported by Historic Royal Palaces.


Object of the Heritage Education Trust

To enable the public in general and young people in particular to learn about history, art, architecture and other subjects through engagement with historic buildings and sites, museums, landscapes, parks and gardens, cultures and traditions.



The Volunteer Sandford Award Assessor plays a vital role in providing a supportive space for heritage organisations to showcase what they do and how they do it.

“Over the past 46 years, the Sandford Award has recognised a huge variety of education programmes at hundreds of heritage sites across the British Isles. We are looking forward to building on this success in the years to come by continuing to broaden the reach of the scheme and celebrating many more heritage education heroes.”

– Dr Tracy Borman, OBE Heritage Education Trust


Contact us

For enquiries or to register your interest in applying for a Sandford Award, please get in touch.